Instructor: Geza Kovacs (MIT username: gkovacs)
Tuesdays and Thursdays: January 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25
4:30-5:30 PM, in room 32-124 (in the Stata Center)
Lecture 1 (Jan 6): Basic Syntax (PDF) (PPTX)
Lecture 2 (Jan 11): Delegates, Lambdas, LINQ (PDF) (PPTX)
Lecture 3 (Jan 13): Parallel Computing (PDF) (PPTX)
Lecture 4 (Jan 18): Misc Syntax (PDF) (PPTX)
Lecture 5 (Jan 20): Building graphical applications with the Windows Presentation Foundation and XAML (PDF) (PPTX)
Lecture 6 (Jan 25): Interoperability with C and C++ code (PDF) (PPTX)
Mono: .NET implementation for Linux, Mac OS X, and more
MonoDevelop: A free, cross-platform .NET development environment